Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Suggestion Box

The journey of becoming a pregnant is beginning to ware on me...
I have been off my medications for about 5 months now. Although I do still have a lot of mobility, I am finding myself more fatigued. It's kind of hard to explain my emotion, I'll give it the 'ol college try!

I think many people will be surprised to read that I am not stressed that I am not pregnant. It would be great and that is the goal, but I do think that it will happen when it happens. I am getting annoyed of being tired and fatigued! I can feel my body craving medicine but I can't give into it even though I would love an injection of Humeria. To help curve the pain I am currently on prednisone and it is helping me get by. I'm ok with my currently dosage, however, I do NOT want to increase my dosage of prednison. (If you're someone who's been on it, you understand why...)

As I am writing this I am realizing that I am stressed, but not geared towards becoming pregnant but geared towards the physical state my body is feeling. So where do I go from here... I guess my plan is to remain positive and to be active. Which brings me to my next thought.

Exercise is a great way to relief stress and it helps me relief stress. I do it as often as I can but I need to find another outlet, I can't exercise everyday, and that's ok. So what can take it's place... shopping perhaps? I don't think my husband will like that idea, so I am open to suggestions!